Monday, August 10, 2009
Turning Pastors to gods
When has Authority Gone Too Far? This article, from Battered Sheep, highlights the unhealthy way we've turned pastors to gods. It includes a list of 11 marks of perverted authority: The claim of direct authority from God, rather than testing things by the Word The command is to "submit to me," rather than "I will serve you" The method of leadership is to "order" people around, rather than to appeal for them to do the right things There is a dominating, "pushy" drive instead of a dependence on God to direct There is a sense of control, rather than a sense of support A gift is exploited so that others are made to feel dependent on it There is an inflexibility--"don't question me"--"don't touch the Lord's anointed" There is unapproachability and intimidation--the "aura" around the leader keeps the followers in "awe" There emerges an organization built around a man and his peculiar emphases instead of around Christ and His Word There will be cyclical challenges to the authority figure (which are immediately and forcefully purged) There is more concern for maintaining the authoritarian structure than there is for caring about the people in it.
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A Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil tem recebido, ao longo das celebrações pelos seus 150 anos de vida, homenagens de diversas partes do país. Confira algumas dessas iniciativas.
A Câmara Municipal dos Vereadores de Jaboatão dos Guararapes (PE), por iniciativa de um de seus componentes, ver. Edmilson Monteiro (pastor da Igreja Batista), e também dos pastores presbiterianos do Presbitério Metropolitano de Recife, realizou uma sessão especial e concedeu a Medalha Vital de Negreiros a IPB.
O rev. Adalberon Garrett de Carvalho também será homenageado por seus 20 anos de ministério e dedicação ao Projeto Transformação, bem como o presb. Josebias Pereira dos Santos, de 81 anos, por seus 66 anos de presbiterato na IPB. Esse evento foi realizado no dia 7 de agosto, as 18h30, na IP em Candeias. O pregador convidado é o rev. Cilas Cunha Menezes, vice-presidente do Supremo Concílio da IPB.
Informações: Rev. Waldir Benevides
(081) 88257376 - 97293960 - 30613578 – 30615080